I always enjoyed writing short stories while in school, but at that time, I hadn’t thought of writing a novel. I wrote lots of poetry. I even wrote a few in Spanish. That was followed by a riveting screenplay about a female spy, entitled, "Love and Revenge".
I love the stories and all of the characters in my novels. The characters, although completely fiction, became my friends and I care about them. I think that’s why many of my readers told me that they really care about these characters, they were so real to them and they felt like they were experiencing the characters lives with them. I was delighted that my love for these characters translated to my readers. What wonderful compliments to hear.
Having lived in both Spain and Mexico and having had fallen in love with both countries, I wanted to make their heartbeat come alive for my readers as well. I am told that FOREVER........ is a wonderful journey through most of the breathtaking cities in Mexico. Several of Spain’s lovely cities, like Toledo and Madrid were also brought to vibrant life in STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT.
Besides being such beautiful countries, Spain and Mexico are also perfect romantic settings. Readers have told me that my descriptions make them feel and see everything so clearly. I am truly in awe of these critiques and comments and ever so grateful.
My third book, THE PATH BACK TO YOU takes place in New York City, however during the novel I also take my readers on a trip to Japan. Some readers told me that they also enjoy Sunshine the cat, who is one of the main characters.
My forth book EYES OF VENGEANCE is my first murder mystery novel. It is a paranormal murder mystery with a kick ass jury trial.
(I also recommend a novel written by the very talented Bob Ader, Reflection Of Evil. It's in the horror genre and it's amazing and would make a great major motion picture.) |
EYES OF VENGEANCE is my paranormal murder mystery. Please check it out at the link above. I've been getting great reviews for my novel. My novel will be on an eBook sale on Amazon from Friday, April 23rd at 5:00 AM (PDT) through Friday, April 30th at 12:00 AM (PDT) for $.99 cents. It is also in print for $21.95. Also if you have Amazon Kindle Unlimited you can read it for free.
 (ISBN No. 1-4208-5666-9)
This novel is in the romance genre. Even though it is light and refreshing, it is filled with emotional warmth, pathos, humor and intrigue. This novel is unique in that it is the only romance novel, to my knowledge, that deals with the issue of breast cancer in a positive and happy ever after manner.
As a breast cancer survivor of many years myself, (I was quite young) I know first hand how important it is to believe in positive outcomes. Aside from non-fiction books on the subject, I never came across any novel of fiction to help me weather the storm of my fears during treatment for this devastating disease. I would have relished having a book of fiction about the triumph of a breast cancer survivor that was enveloped in an exciting and warm romance novel, such as STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT that I could escape into. Such novels need to be available to those touched by breast cancer. Not only is it a riveting and entertaining reading experience, but it will inspire and empower you and will especially inspire and empower those of you who have already been touched by breast cancer.
The heroine, Kelly Winter, is an American singer who meets a very sexy and brilliant Spanish artist, Roberto Romano, while she is singing in a nightclub in Madrid, Spain. He is so attractive to the opposite sex that he is always surrounded by beautiful women. For personal reasons, he keeps his true identity a mystery.
When Kelly returns home to the United States after a singing engagement in Spain, she discovers that she has breast cancer and she decides to keep it secret from her friends in Spain. Upon her recovery and subsequent return to Spain to sing, she becomes entangled in an intriguing plot. Her life is in danger and Roberto must try to save her.
Even after knowing the story, I still cry from happiness each time I read this novel. It is filled with so much love, and it touches ones heart. It is a triumph of love and a triumph of survival.
Available through AuthorHouse (toll free) at 1-888- 280-7715 Also available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com and all fine bookstores.
(ISBN No. 1-4208-5666-9)
Kelly couldn’t understand the effect that he had on her. She had met men more attractive than Roberto, but she never before felt this strong magnetic pull or this joyous heat that warmed her body with delight. Roberto finished his toast by saying adentro, and then he downed his drink with those sensuous lips that Kelly wanted to lose herself in. Alma and Kelly did the same hand movements to toast, but they only sipped their drinks. Roberto then placed his arm around Alma’s shoulder, and at that moment, Kelly experienced such profound disappointment, as if she was sucked into a smoldering volcano that ravaged every inch of her being with it’s feverish rage. After Kelly sipped a little more of her run and coke, she excused herself to return to the stage. "Can I sing a song for you?" she inquired of Roberto and Alma. Roberto looked into her eyes, as if he peered into her soul and requested the songs, ‘I Only Have Eyes For You’ and ‘Strangers In The Night.’ "Sure, I know them both," she said, as she cleared the frog that had instantly leaped into her throat. She went back on stage and said, "The next two songs are dedicated to my new friends, Roberto and Alma." She sang both songs with an excitement she had never experienced before. However, she also felt a bit wistful as she noticed Roberto’s arm still around Alma’s shoulder. She had only meet him tonight and could not for the life of her, understand the intoxicating effect he had on her. She felt like she and Roberto were each one of the sides of a connecting pair of velcro, attached strongly and firmly. Kelly was in her small dressing room after her performance, having had just changed into her jeans and sweatshirt. Her dressing room housed a tacky looking but functional vanity table with mirror, one small closet, a red velveteen reclining chair and a half refrigerator. She was hanging up her pink dress, when she heard a knock on the door. "Momento," she said. "Quien es?" She heard a sexy baritone voice reply, "Roberto. Sorry to bother you, Ms. Kelly, but I want to speak with you one minute please." She opened the door and her heart stood still as she gazed at Roberto’s handsome face. Luscious tingles danced up and down her spine. "Please, come in," she said rather breathlessly.
(ISBN No. 1-4208-5680-4)
FOREVER........ is an exciting and fun adventure filled love story. It also contains paranormal elements. If you are interested in the romance genre, or in reincarnation, psychic phenomena or in traveling to Mexico, you will love this novel. I have been told that it is "a page turner and that it would also make a great movie."
It is a thrilling novel filled with romance, intrigue, emotional warmth, humor, adventure and exhilaration and most of all eternal love. It is also a light read and thoroughly absorbing and if you ever yearned to visit Mexico, FOREVER........ will take you there. FOREVER........ makes you feel like you are actually visiting and fully experiencing many of Mexico’s truly breathtaking cities.
Linda Madison, an American on a teaching fellowship in Mexico, falls madly in love with the breathtakingly gorgeous Doctor Ricardo Del Campo, after he rescues her from falling off the 210 foot high Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico. Ricardo finds Linda’s very presence distasteful to him, but finds himself thrust into her company on numerous occasions.
Intrigue abounds in this thrilling novel as Linda goes in search of a valuable artifact (that she discovered while visiting an ancient ruin) that thieves had stolen from her home, luring her into danger... into the bowels of a cave. The door to a past life curse has opened and a karma needs to be fulfilled. You will be absorbed in trying to discover if Ricardo will find Linda before she is killed. You will be spellbound with the need to learn if the curse can be broken, if Linda can get Ricardo to reciprocate her love for him and you will go through many more intriguing adventures in this novel.
FOREVER....... is a testament to love lived through lifetimes and above all........ eternal love.
FOREVER......... is enchanting.
Available through AuthorHouse (toll free) at 1-888- 280-7715 Also available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com and all fine bookstores.
Excerpt from: FOREVER ....... (ISBN No. 1-4208-5680-4)
AFTER LINDA ascended what seemed like thousands of the narrowest stairs she ever climbed, she reached the summit of the magnificent Pyramid of the Sun. What a breathtaking sight! How amazingly intelligent the pyramid builders must have been. Between the heat of the sun and the weariness of her wondrous climb, she was consumed with fatigue, so she sat down on the rocky and sandy surface of the apex of the pyramid and rested her tired feet. Taking her sneakers off, her hands massaged one toe after the other and then put their magic to work on her heals and soles. "Ah," she sighed. "I could use some rest. I'll just lie on this fairly smooth area here and close my eyes for a few minutes. I don't think anyone will mind walking around me, if I'm in their way. Ah.... yes, this is wonderful," she said with a yawn, as she drifted off to sleep.
The great stairway leading to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun was crowded with people dressed in native attire who were all very excited about the event they would soon witness. On the summit, the priest was conducting ceremonies to honor the God of rain, Tlaloc. The sun was beating down on the valley of Teotihuacan, Mexico, and the onlookers were sweating profusely. They were so awestruck with the proceedings that they did not feel a bit uncomfortable.
Linda was suddenly awoken by a pulling and tightening sensation on her arms and legs. She was surrounded by strange looking men in unusual wardrobe. She had been gagged and four of these men were tightly holding her arms and legs and moving her towards a priest who was completing his ceremonial services. The natives put her down, positioning her back stretched over the sacrificial altar, while still maintaining a tight hold on her arms and legs. She tried to move and scream, but was unable to move an inch or utter a sound. She was terrified. What was happening? Incense burners were lit all around her and their fragrant smoke wafted towards the heavens.
Linda continually tried in vain to be released from her guards. Her blue eyes and pale skin shined brightly in contrast to the darker eyes and skin of her captors. Some strands of her long blond hair blew fervently in the wind. Several men danced ceremoniously around her while the priest said his blessings as he readied his knife whose large black obsidian blade glistened in the sun. She saw the knife inching towards her as if in slow motion. At the same moment she began to hear an annoying buzzing in her ear. As the dagger drew closer to her chest, the buzzing sound intensified. Was that what people heard when they were about to die? An incessant buzzing sound? Between the heat of the sun, the men dancing and spinning all around her in their native costumes, the large knife nearing her chest and the buzzing in her ears, she began to feel light-headed.
The knife was an inch from her chest and the buzzing had grown louder and louder.......
THE PATH BACK TO YOU by Marilyn Spanier

ISBN: 978-14241-5436-4
Adopted at the age of four, Sue Wolff enjoyed a normal childhood. Working as a secretary in an architectural firm, her life is turned upside down when she collides with the handsome widower, Bob Bentley, the owner of the company. Completely mesmerized by his charms, Sue falls head over heels in love with him, as well as with his precocious seven-year-old daughter, Elena.
On a business trip to enchanting Japan, Sue's passion heats to a feverish pitch, yet thorns prick at her heart as she realizes that Bob's imminent engagement to socialite Constance Cummings makes any future with him an impossibility and that her love will never be returned.
A touch of Wayne Dyer inspiration and unconditional love create an exciting conclusion, full of surprises and heartwarming realizations.
The Path Back To You will fill your heart with joy and laughter and make you realize that all things are possible. |
EYES OF VENGEANCE is my paranormal murder mystery. Please check it out at the link above. I've been getting great reviews for my novel. My novel is currently an eBook on Amazon for $9.99 and in print for $21.95. If you have Amazon Kindle Unlimited you can read it for free.